From the very early stages of Pax development, we have focused on the core system requirements a Local Authority transport service needs and planned to integrate with other best-in-class systems, to give customers the best of all worlds.
We already had experience of QRoutes’ modern school transport optimisation routing software, and we’ve developed an interface between the two systems to offer customers the best school transport route optimisation option in the market with our PaxQR software.
Jeff Duffell, QRoutes Business Development Director said:
‘Pax have first-hand experience of managing school transport within UK local authorities. This shows in their system which closely matches the requirements of transport teams. They also recognise the importance of having good data and being able to immediately re-optimise routes to suit the strategies and needs of the users.’
‘The QRoutes interface is particularly well thought out. At the touch of a button the user can select filtered sets of data, for example by school, and load these directly into QRoutes for viewing and routing. It's a highly effective process. And really pays dividends during the year, when without it, there is a temptation to accommodate new starters with new taxi routes. We see PaxQR prevent small changes that can lead to big increases in costs.’
This partnership works extremely well as we focus our resource on core information management, finance and matching local authority day to day requirements, whilst QRoutes continues to focus on developing route planning & optimisation.
We hope to continue to grow our partnership into other QRoutes products in the future, such as QPaths, to continue to offer customers modern solutions that match their changing needs, so watch this space!
For more information, please visit the QRoutes article on our intergation.